Basics to take your own self- portrait

Self- portrait

Hello,pretty people.

Hope you all are doing good. The other day I was clicking my self portrait and then I thought of sharing some of my hacks and tips to take self portraits by your own without anyone's help with your mobile phone.

Self portrait can be a difficult task to do for various of reasons . For that you need to have a good camera,tripod,lighting,locations and very important photographer or some other person to help you. But  I believe not every time you need to have all of these things.

The very first thing is to take inspiration for your pictures. You can takes inspiration from Internet,Instagram,Pinterest or wherever you want. It helps you to take better pictures as it creates an image in your mind what exactly you want in your pictures and how it should look like.

It makes your work a lot easier because you already know how you want to your image to be.

Lighting is the other main factor. Bad lighting can totally ruin your pictures. Try taking pictures in golden hour . At that time sun is not too harsh and you can play with shadows and can get amazing clicks.

Also,know your angles by posing in front of mirror that way you don't have to struggle with angles and poses while taking portraits. And by the you'll get comfortable with your poses.

When it comes to take portraits by your own the first thing that comes in mind is using tripods. If you have tripods then it's great but if you don't have,no worries. Fix your phone on table,books,window,wall etc.
Next, set self- timer in your phone and take pictures. Try experimenting with your poses, don't make your body look stiff play with angles and poses.
And just click click click. Voila! Now you have your self portraits.😀

So, that's for today's blog.  Hope you find this helpful. Until next time.

Ritu 🌻


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